
Sunday, September 30, 2012

November 4, 1842



            I’m officially married! After a long courtship, ecspecially since i've long mourned the death of Anne, it took a wile.  Although we're opposites, i think we'll do well together.  Her name’s Mary Todd and we met a little after I moved to Springfield.  Wish us luck in our marriage!

Happily Married!

April 15th, 1837

            Finally, I have a law practice.  For those who have been supportive of me for the last few years, thanks, it’s all coming back.  I’m now in Springfield Illinois, with a fairly successful law practice.  I have met a lot of great people, and made a lot of friends.  My friends tell me I should call my law practice, the lost stovepipe hat, because I always lose important papers in my stovepipe hat.  I am really enjoying this job, and I can’t wait to see where this goes.

Loving Springfield!

August 17th, 1835



            I just visited Ann.  She was sick.  I can’t believe that she has typhoid fever.  It seems that every women who I’ve cared about is either dead or deathly sick.  I’m going back again tomorrow, and trying to get the doctors to do something more, anything really.  Wish me luck.



For Ann’s recovery

May 22, 1845

I’m officialy studying law!  We all know being a store clerk hasn’tbeen paying bills, and I really enjoy it.  My friends tell me that I spend to much time working in it, but I like the way it feels to immerse myself in law.